I am a software developer living in Lyon, France with 7 years of experience in software programming.

I have mostly but not only worked on C# project in companies, but I got interested in various others in my spare time, including Typescript, NextJS, or Solidity.

I now aspire to become a Solidity developer or a Solidity auditor.

☎️ Contact informations

📧 [email protected]

🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-delorme-738976151/

👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

EVM & Solidity

Self learning – (March 2024 - Now)

Inspired by a friend's auditing career, I began exploring the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Solidity. My learning journey started with interactive platforms like CryptoZombies, Ethernaut, and SpeedrunEthereum, along with other gamified tools.

I have then proceed with Cyfrin Updraft, gaining a solid understanding of smart contract development and security, before participating in public audit contests on platforms such as CodeHawks, Sherlock, and Code4rena, applying my skills to real-world scenarios and continuously improving my expertise.

Software Engineer

Apollo, Lyon, France – (October 2021 - 30 January 2024)

Full-stack engineer at a software services company (ESN), where C# was the primary technology platform. Through my extensive experience working on multiple projects, I have had the privilege of collaborating with a range of technologies including TypeScript with React or Angular, Java, and Tailwind.

I have been an active contributor to the company's social fabric by participating in various activities and events, including those focused on technological communities.

Software Analysis Specialist

Infodream, Aix-les-Bains, France – (January 2018 - August 2021)

I began at Infodream through an internship program and later transitioned to a full-time role. As a member of the dedicated development team, I played a key part in the creation of a web application designed for industrial clients.

The primary technologies employed included C# for backend development and HTML/CSS/JavaScript for frontend development.

Software Test Engineer